Enlyta Insights

Get more people using your brand tracking data.

The brand intelligence platform for insight teams that want to make their brand health tracking data more engaging and easier to use.

Spend time creating insight, not reacting to data requests.

Fast and sleek brand tracking dashboards.

Reach new audiences and measure engagement.

What our clients say

Having Enlyta has saved so much time. Whereas before stakeholders asked for numbers, now they do it themselves. When they do come to us, they now ask for the WHY, not the WHAT, which is the job we’re supposed to be doing.
Having Enlyta has saved so much time. Whereas before stakeholders asked for numbers, now they do it themselves. When they do come to us, they now ask for the WHY, not the WHAT, which is the job we’re supposed to be doing.
Food Delivery Business

Senior Insights Manager

Thanks to Enlyta and the team, we have transformed the impact of insight, unleashing its full value and potential. We have really created behavioural change among our stakeholders and among our own team too. Our team has been repositioned - we’re now focused on ‘inspiring’, rather than merely ‘gathering’.
Thanks to Enlyta and the team, we have transformed the impact of insight, unleashing its full value and potential. We have really created behavioural change among our stakeholders and among our own team too. Our team has been repositioned - we’re now focused on ‘inspiring’, rather than merely ‘gathering’.
Global Bank

Head of Customer Insight

Data visualization

Visualize brand tracking data faster and easier than before

Maximize the value of brand tracking with an engaging data visualization suite that saves time, makes insight more accessible, and improves brand decisions.

Smart Search & Storage

Search that works

Make it easy for anyone to find the insights they need with an intuitive knowledge library, search experience, and AI document summarizing. 

Making insights more visible enables rapid, consumer-centric business decisions.

Effortless storytelling tools

Reach new audiences with relevant insight

Cut through the noise by turning research into digestible and relevant stories enriched with charts, infographics, videos, and quotes. 

Measure the reach of everything you publish and track who has read each story, and who found it helpful.

The discipline of writing stories forces you to really think about the 'so what', and to synthesise data and findings. And they look so professional, it gives us real credibility and authority. We are so lucky to have the means to get our voice out now to so many people. No other department can do that.
The discipline of writing stories forces you to really think about the 'so what', and to synthesise data and findings. And they look so professional, it gives us real credibility and authority. We are so lucky to have the means to get our voice out now to so many people. No other department can do that.
Food Delivery Business

Global Head of Insights

Case Study

Turning automated data into tasty storytelling

The Global Insight Team have put Enlyta at the heart of their platform ecosystem, combining data automation and insight storytelling for greater impact.

Case Study

Transforming the power of insights for a global bank

Bringing together existing knowledge, data and insights to make insights more influential.

More features

  • Export to editable PPT/XLS
  • Integrated survey & non-survey data
  • Auto sig testing & low base suppression
  • Export to editable PPT/XLS
  • Integrated survey & non-survey data
  • Auto sig testing & low base suppression
  • Export to editable PPT/XLS
  • Integrated survey & non-survey data
  • Auto sig testing & low base suppression
  • Personalized notifications
  • Unlimited secure storage
  • Custom theme - logo and colors
  • Personalized notifications
  • Unlimited secure storage
  • Custom theme - logo and colors
  • Personalized notifications
  • Unlimited secure storage
  • Custom theme - logo and colors

Enlyta Insights

Elevate insights. Enlighten decisions.

Maximize the value of insight with our brand intelligence platform.

  • Democratize data with control and confidence
  • Get brand tracking data in days, not weeks
  • Reduce time reacting to requests and prioritise proactive insight
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