
Mapping the future

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Mapping the future

In January 2018 we held a ‘Book Breakfast at Night’ to debate the strategies brands should employ to help provide optimism and reassurance, and create a more certain future. We started with a presentation from Richard Watson – future-thinker and author of Future Files: A Brief History of the Next 50 Years – who explored the diverse trends that are impacting the way the world is changing.

We also heard from a panel of high-profile client and agency experts, including:

Tim Hulbert, Group Head of Brand & Insight at Barclays
Meabh Quoirin, CEO of the Foresight Factory
Grant Feller, journalist and brand storyteller
Lyn McGregor, Global Head of Hall & Partners OpenMind
Vanella Jackson, Global CEO, Hall & Partners

Richard Watson’s mind map (see below) highlighted the mega-trends and technologies of the next few decades, stimulating some fascinating questions around current events and possible future trajectories.

Mega trends and technologies map Richard Watson download 1024x729

Watch here to learn about the three trends from the map that Richard believes is creating more uncertainty in the world.