When did we all start singing from the same hymn sheet?
At a time when we’re exposed to more data than ever, it should be easy to learn something new. To discover an unrecognised nugget you can exploit for immediate brand advantage. In fact, it’s never been harder to be genuinely original. With so much of the same data available to agencies and clients, it has become increasingly difficult for anyone to gain a meaningful advantage. We think you deserve something different.
We’re rebranding
After 30 years in the business, Hall & Partners is changing. Prompted by the volatility of the post-pandemic world, we’re bringing renewed focus to the way we help clients gain competitive advantage. Our brand and our leadership team might look new, but in many ways, we’re going back to our roots by focusing on the only kind of insights that have ever really mattered.
Discover the power of 'uncommon insights’
There was a time when the word insight carried the promise of something new, but somewhere along the line it became everyone’s cliché of choice. Suddenly every snippet of customer news was being heralded as another brilliant insight.
Hall & Partners is determined to reinvest insights with their original power by focusing exclusively on uncommon insights. The kind of insight you only find when you go further and dig deeper. The kind of insight that turns genuinely fresh market perspectives into new avenues for growth.
What does it mean for our clients?
A lot of things will remain the same. We will continue to obsess about the relationship between people, brands and culture. We will continue to prize technology and the value of a diverse pool of talent, but you’ll also notice some differences. We will spend more time ensuring that every strategic recommendation is built upon powerful and relevant uncommon insights. We will be bringing more cross-vertical and multi-category expertise to bear. Our services will be more explicitly focused on three core areas, Brand Strategy, Brand Performance and Campaign Performance.