
Conscious Health webinar highlights

Stacy Vaughn
Conscious Health hero

In partnership with Wolff Olins, we recently conducted a study to rank the most Conscious Brands according to consumers. The Conscious Brand index uniquely evaluates brands against multiple ‘conscious’ dimensions, such as taking actions to make the world a better place, driving reform and social change, embracing diversity and inclusivity and inspiring a sense of community.

Three key healthcare and wellness brands ranked in the top 10 globally – Headspace, Pfizer and AstraZeneca. For many, COVID has transformed perceptions of pharma from villain to superhero. The bold and swift actions taken to bring coronavirus vaccines to the public has bolstered faith in an industry historically maligned with mistrust.

The question is, how can healthcare brands sustain this COVID goodwill? And how should this impact their corporate and product brand and marketing going forward? Is it time for pharma to be brave with purposeful, conscious messages and actions beyond COVID?

We invited key individuals in the world of health to discuss the fact that health brands are featuring more prominently for consumers recently and how that should impact the actions of pharmaceutical companies moving forward.



Afua Basoah, DPhil
VP, Head of London
Rabin Martin


Michele Markus
Head of Global Health Accounts,


David Berman
Strategic Advisor,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Lottie Pollak,
Head of Global Market Research,

Mark Earls

Mark Earls,
Behavioural expert and best-selling author

Stacy moderator

Stacy Vaughn
Head of US Health,
Hall & Partners

Get in touch today for access to all the Conscious Brands data via the Conscious Data Hub and our latest thinking on the how people's values have shifted, including case studies and insight news on the latest conscious brand activity.