Case Study: Segmentation
Accelerated segmentation study for new drug communication campaigns

Developing and rolling out an accelerated segmentation approach to feed into effective new drug communications campaigns that were tailored to the specific needs of each group of doctors.
The issue
Our client was looking to launch a new treatment in a disease area where patient care is spread across 4 specialties. As such, they needed a segmentation to support their campaign planning. The challenge was they needed to understand the role the different segments in each specialty took in treatment decision making, to identify who to target when. The extra challenge was that they were facing an accelerated launch, so did not have time for a full, two-phase segmentation.
What we did
We used an accelerated approach, where we synthesised our client’s previous qualitative research with the target audiences to identify the potential segmentation axes. This allowed us to go straight into the quantitative segmentation to save time.
Within the segmentation process, we explored the interrelated relationship between the specialties to identify which needed to be grouped together (because they had similar roles) and which needed their own solutions.Key to the success of the segmentations was buy-in from the wider client team. We therefore involved them throughout the process, holding workshops to allow them to be involved in the main decisions around the design of and choice of segmentation solutions.
We developed two core segmentations – one for treatment decision makers, and one for referrers. This fitted with our client’s planned communications campaigns as they had very different messaging for each group of doctors.
To fully activate the segmentation we conducted a one-day, face-to-face workshop, introducing the segments via role play, with the key behavioural science heuristics & triggers identified before brainstorming the optimum messaging for their target segments.
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